Tuesday, February 19, 2008

#6 week 3... flickr fun.

Look what I can do! Woohoo! I edited this photo and added that clever thought bubble. This would be a good thing for adding cute pictures to a webpage or even to a Powerpoint.

... and this too! Just for fun....
I appreciate the curriculum suggestions section of the 2.0 blog. Overall, ideas for how librarians (or teachers) could incorporate each of these applications into the curriculum are very helpful. For me, the important part of Web 2.0 is learning how to use the applications in a teaching setting.


bibliofan said...

I love your bubbles! Too cute. I agree that the best thing are the practical suggestions for the use of these tools.

Libladylib said...
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Libladylib said...

I removed my last comment because of a spelling error.
Did you use bubbleply to create the bubble?
Your trading card is great. Keep having fun.

ms. haverstock, the librarian said...

Thanks! I had fun making the bubbles. I used fd's flickr toys to make them. Here's the link:
But I'd also love to check out bubbleply. I am always looking for ways to make photos cooler for my webpage, blog, etc.

mmc said...
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mmc said...

Hi Holy Librarian!

Sorry about the delete. I liked photo with the comment! I, too, am doing the 23 things as a grad. student at UT in my second semester of "library school". The photo reminded me of the seniors I used to teach. Good luck with the other 17 things.